Genesis 6 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Genesis 6
According to the genealogical record found in Genesis 5, God caused the earth to flood approximately 1650 years after the world was created.
Wicked People – The earth was full of wickedness, corruption, and violence (Gen 6:5, 11)
Noah – The son of Lamech. One of the few people on earth who honored God.
Noah’s Wife – According to Jewish tradition her name was Naamah (Gen 4:22).
Noah’s Sons and Their Wives – They accompanied Noah on the ark during the flood.
We aren’t told exactly where Noah and his family lived when God spoke to him and told him to build an ark.
The flood foretold in this chapter was to be a worldwide flood. The water would cover the entire face of the earth.
Genesis 6 begins by telling us of the union between the “sons of God” and the “daughters of men.”
The “sons of God” found the “daughters of men” very attractive, and they took them as their wives.
Their offspring are described as “mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.”
We are also told the Nephilim were on the earth in those days. The Nephilim may have been the same group as the offspring of the union between the sons of God and the daughters of men, but it’s also possible they were another group entirely, the text leaves both possibilities open. See Numbers 13:32-33 for more on the Nephilim.
God was not pleased with the union between the sons of God and the daughters of men.
God looked at the world He created and observed the spread of wickedness in the hearts of men.
“The wickedness of man was great” and “every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”
The world was filled with violence and corruption (6:22-12).
God decided to wipe man and beast from the face of the earth.
He determined to let them remain alive for an additional 120 years (6:3). The reason for this will be explained in the following section.
One righteous man, named Noah, found favor in the eyes of God.
God told Noah He had resolved to destroy mankind and told him to construct an ark.
The ark was to be made from gopher wood and covered with pitch.
It was to be 300 cubits long (a cubit was roughly 18 inches), 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits tall.
God planned to destroy mankind with a global flood, but the ark would preserve Noah and his family.
The ark was to be the salvation for the human species, but it was also intended to save the animal kingdom.
Noah was told to gather pairs of every kind of animal and put them on the ark.
He was instructed to start gathering food for his family and the animals onboard.
Noah did exactly as the Lord commanded.
Those who honor God are not forgotten by Him.
Although Noah’s family made up a miniscule percentage of the world’s population, they’re faithfulness did not go unnoticed by God.
Their devotion was recognized and rewarded.
No follower of God is forgotten by the one he/she worships.
No matter how insignificant you are to others, God sees your small light shining in the darkness.