Psalm 120 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 120 Short Summary:

Psalm 120 is one of the Psalms of Ascent. Many scholars believe these psalms were sung by the people of Israel and Judah as they ascended up Mount Zion to worship God in Jerusalem during the holy feast days. Psalm 120 was written by a man who was burdened by lies and slander from his enemies. He called out to God, knowing He was the only one who could give him peace.

Psalm 120 Summary and Bible Study
Psalm 120 Outline and Application

Psalm 120 Summary


  • The author of Psalm 120 is unknown.


  • No Known New Testament References.


  • A man struggling under the lies and slander of his adversaries calls out to God for help.


  • Song of Ascents (120:1) – The exact meaning of this term is debated, but many believe it was a label applied to psalms the people of Israel sang as they were travelling to Jerusalem for the holy days. Jerusalem was on the top of a hill, so the people would have physically ascended as they walked up to the Temple.


  • PEACE VS. WAR (120:1-7):

    • Psalm 120 presents us with a man in distress.

    • This man called out to the Lord for help with his trouble, and he was confident that the Lord was listening to him.

    • He was being attacked with vicious words by people with lying lips and deceitful tongues.

    • He concluded that God would avenge him against these liars, and they would feel the sharp arrows of the Lord’s judgement.

    • The psalmist bemoaned that he had to live amongst these liars and slanderers. It was as if he lived in a barbarian land (Meshech and Kedar) far from civilized society.

    • He wrote, “Too long have I had my dwelling among those who hate peace” (120:6).

    • He didn’t want to fight with these men, but they were always looking to fight.

    • The psalmist knew only God could give him peace while he lived in the midst of people bent on making war.


  • Followers of Jesus should be peaceful whenever possible.

  • We shouldn’t be looking to pick fights, we shouldn’t be warmongers in national affairs or in private affairs, and we shouldn’t become combative every time our blood pressure goes up.

  • The men who were oppressing the psalmist loved war, they loved fighting.

  • As disciples of Jesus’, we should love peace, and we should strive for peace with other people whenever possible.

  • Romans 12:17-18 - Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. 

  • There is a big difference between someone who loves to fight and someone who loves peace but will fight when it’s time to take a stand for righteousness.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Psalm 121 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study


Psalm 119 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study