Psalm 123 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

Psalm 123 Short Summary:

Psalm 123 is a short psalm of only 4 verses. It is a plea to God to help people who are oppressed by the rich, powerful, and proud of the earth. The psalmist calls out to God, recognizing Him as His Lord, and asks Him to do something about their oppressors.

Psalm 123 Bible study and Summary
Psalm 123 Application and Outline

Psalm 123 Summary


  • The author of Psalm 123 is unknown.


  • No Known New Testament References.


  • The psalmist calls on God to help his people who were being mistreated by the rich and proud.


  • Song of Ascents (123:1) – The exact meaning of this term is debated, but many believe it was a label applied to psalms the people of Israel sang as they were travelling to Jerusalem for the holy days. Jerusalem was on the top of a hill, so the people would have physically ascended as they walked up to the city.


  • HAVE MERCY UPON US, O LORD (123:1-4):

    • In this short psalm, the writer appealed to the King “enthroned in the heavens” (123:1) to have mercy on him and his people.

    • He was looking to God for help like a servant looks to a master or a maidservant looks to her mistress.

    • The reason he and his people needed help was because they were being mistreated, mistreated by the rich and proud.

    • They were powerless to do anything against these people, but the psalmist knew the King of the heavens was able to aid them.


  • In this psalm, we see a contrast between the nature of man and the nature of God.

  • Men, when they become powerful or rich, grow contemptuous of those below them.

  • God, who is the King of all, looks down on those less powerful than Him with mercy.

  • If you were to ask a rich man for a favor, he very well might sneer at you.

  • If you ask God for a favor, He’ll go to the treasure stores of Heaven and give to you generously.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Psalm 124 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study


Psalm 122 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study