Psalm 107 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 107 calls on all the redeemed of God to praise the Lord. Four groups of redeemed people are called to praise the Lord (1) those lost in the desert, (2) those in prison, (3) those in trouble for their sins, and (4) sailors in storms on the sea.
Psalm 106 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 106 is a record of God’s mighty works done for the people of Israel and Israel’s response to those works. Unfortunately, the people of Israel generally responded to God’s works with faithlessness. This chapter lists a number of Israel’s significant failings and shows how God was faithful to Israel even though Israel wasn’t faithful to Him.
Psalm 105 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 105 is a summary of the history of the Israelite nation from the days of Abraham to the conquest of the land of Canaan. The author calls on his listeners to praise the Lord for keeping His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give them the land of Canaan as a home. The chapter mentions other important Israelite figures like Joseph, Moses, and Aaron.
Psalm 104 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
In Psalm 104, the psalmist draws the minds of his readers to the greatness and splendor of God. He calls them back to the creation story, when God created the universe, the planets, the earth, the mountains, oceans, and animals. Then he spends time talking about God’s providential care of the earth, God is everywhere on the earth sustaining His creation, which is reason to give Him continual praise.
Psalm 103 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 103 is a psalm of praise to God for His kindness and mercy. It speaks of God’s patient nature, how He tolerates us longer than we deserve to be tolerated. He chooses not always to punish us for our sins but to show us compassion. This psalm contains the famous words, which are now a title of a hymn, “Bless the Lord, O my soul… bless His holy name!”
Psalm 102 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 102 begins with the psalmist crying out for God’s support in a time of suffering and hardship. The author, and most likely his countrymen with him, were under the discipline of God. In the second half of the psalm, the writer expresses his confidence that God will show them mercy and restore Zion (Jerusalem) to better days.
Psalm 101 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
In Psalm 101, David writes about his decision to embrace all that is good and spurn all that is evil. On a personal level, David removed all influences of evil from His life and walked in the ways of God. Beyond the personal, David promoted those of integrity while refusing to keep company with people of degraded character.
Psalm 100 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 100 is a short psalm with only 5 verses. It’s a call for all the people of the earth to worship the Lord with a “joyful noise.” All of God’s creation belongs to Him and should serve Him, this includes human beings. But serving God is not difficult because He is a good and kind Creator.
Psalm 99 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 99 is a psalm of worship to the Lord who sits enthroned in Heaven. It extols God’s magnificence, His righteousness, and His holiness. The psalmist mentions three men through whom God’s righteousness and mercy were shown, namely Moses, Aaron, and Samuel.
Psalm 98 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 98 describes a victory, a salvation, that God won for His people. This victory was a blessing to Israel, but it was known throughout the world. The psalmist calls on all people to praise the Lord for His salvation. Psalm 98 is very likely is prophetic, foretelling the arrival of Jesus, who would win victory over sin and offer salvation to the whole world.
Psalm 97 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
The Lord reigns as God of gods on a throne of righteousness. He is to be praised by all created things. The earth trembles before Him, the mountains melt, and the angels of Heaven owe Him their worship. He gives light and joy to those who love Him.
Have you lost your felt sense of awe in God?
Feeling like the awe in your relationship with God has dimmed? Check out this article for tips on how to tend to and nurture it back to life.
Psalm 96 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 96 is a call to worship the God who will judge the world. God is worthy of worship from His people, citizens of foreign nations, and from the natural world. He is the true God in a world full of idols. He is described in Psalm 96 with adjectives like splendid, glorious, holy, and righteous.
Psalm 95 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 95 is an invitation to worship God. The writer wanted his people, the people of Israel and Judah, to worship the Lord for His greatness and kindness. He invited them to worship rather than to participate in the faithlessness of their ancestors, the ancestors who murmured against God and Moses when they couldn’t find water in the wilderness at Massah and Meribah (Exo 17).
Psalm 94 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 94 contrasts the foolish wicked man with the man who accepts God’s instruction. The foolish man commits evil acts and thinks God does not see. He is a fool because God sees everything, and He will have His day of vengeance. The wise man heeds God’s commands and trusts in God to protect Him from the threats of the wicked.
Psalm 93 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 93 is a psalm of praise worshiping God for being an eternal king whose throne cannot be touched by the chaos of the earth. God’s power is said to be even greater than that of the raging seas. His throne is untouchable, eternal, and is marked by trustworthiness and holiness.
Psalm 92 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 92 is a psalm celebrating God’s love, faithfulness, and all-wise nature. The psalmist contrasts the “stupid man” against the vast wisdom of God. Foolish evil men spring up like the grass but are quickly wiped away, but those who make their home in the house of God flourish under His blessing.
Psalm 91 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 91 is all about God’s perfect protection of those who trust in Him. No adversary can overcome one of God’s saints while they take refuge in the “shadow of the Almighty. The Lord can protect against various dangers, including snares, enemies, diseases, pestilence, terrors, arrows, destructions, plagues, stumblings, lions, and adders.
Psalm 90 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 90, which was written by Moses, reflects on the eternality of God and the short life of human beings. Moses’ prayer was that God would give his people the wisdom to “number their days.” He asked for God’s blessing on the people, that God would replace the hard days of their past with days of gladness.
Psalm 89 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
Psalm 89 begins with the author recalling the history of the covenant God made with David and his descendants. God promised to establish the throne of David forever and care for his children so long as they followed His law. The second half of the chapter describes a period of crisis during which the descendants of David were anxiously awaiting God to keep the promises He had made to David and deliver them from their trouble.